"; break; case 2: $DESGRU="Bed and Breakfast"; $FONTCOLOR2=""; break; case 3: $DESGRU="Houses Rent and Sale"; $FONTCOLOR3=""; break; case 4: $DESGRU="Hostels"; $FONTCOLOR4=""; break; case 5: $DESGRU="Landlord"; $FONTCOLOR5=""; break; } ?>
Home page
Mail "; $COLORHOTEL=""; if ($VisHotel[idhotel]==$IDHOT) { $COLORHOTEL="";} echo ""; } } ?> ";} $COLL=""; echo ""; } } ?> "; $COLORHOTEL=""; if ($VisHotel[idhotel]==$IDHOT) { $COLORHOTEL="";} echo ""; } } ?> "; $COLORHOTEL=""; if ($VisHotel[idhotel]==$IDHOT) { $COLORHOTEL="";} echo ""; } } ?> "; $COLORHOTEL=""; if ($VisHotel[idhotel]==$IDHOT) { $COLORHOTEL="";} echo ""; } } ?>
$COLL $COLORHOTEL $VisHotel[descrizione]
Bed and Breakfast
$COLL $COLORHOTEL $VisHotel[descrizione]
Houses Rents and Sale
$COLL$COLORHOTEL $VisHotel[descrizione]
$COLL$COLORHOTEL $VisHotel[descrizione]
$COLL$COLORHOTEL $VisHotel[descrizione]
Hotel, bed and breakfast and houses Restaurant, bars and beaches Nautical Services Shopping advice Transport, road maps Tourist itineraries A virtual tour of Porto Venere Electronic postcards Useful numbers News
"; if ($Hotel[filefoto]>"") { echo ""; } echo "

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"; } echo " $Hotel[numerocartina] ".strtoupper($Hotel[descrizione]); ?>

"; if ($Hotel[camere]>0 or $Hotel[appartamenti]>0) { echo "
"; } if ($Hotel[camere]>0) { echo "$Hotel[camere] Rooms"; } if ($Hotel[appartamenti]>0) { echo " - $Hotel[appartamenti] apartments"; } $APERTURA="Open all year "; if (!($Hotel[ggape]==1 and $Hotel[mmape]==1 and $Hotel[ggchi]==31 and $Hotel[mmchi]==12)) { $APERTURA="opened from the $Hotel[ggape]/$Hotel[mmape] to the $Hotel[ggchi]/$Hotel[mmchi]"; } if (!($Hotel[ggape]==0 and $Hotel[mmape]==0 and $Hotel[ggchi]==0 and $Hotel[mmchi]==0)) { echo "
$APERTURA"; } echo "
$Hotel[indirizzo]"; if ($Hotel[frazione]>"") { echo "
Frazione: $Hotel[frazione]"; } if ($Hotel[localita]>"") { echo "
$Hotel[localita]"; } else echo "
PORTO VENERE (SP)"; echo "
Tel./phone: $Hotel[telefono1]"; if ($Hotel[telefono2]>"") { echo " - $Hotel[telefono2]"; } if ($Hotel[cellulare1]>"") { echo "
Cellulare: $Hotel[cellulare1]"; } if ($Hotel[fax]>"") { echo "
Fax: $Hotel[fax]"; } if ($Hotel[sitoweb]>"" or $Hotel[email]>"") { echo "

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"; } ?>

Tourist itineraries / Hotel, Bed and breakfast and Houses / Nautical Services / Shopping advice / A virtual tour of Porto Venere / News / Restaurant, bars and beaches / Electronic postcards / Useful numbers / Transport, road maps