IT EN FR DE Scelta delle lingue

Le grazie Fezzano Parco naturale di Porto Venere  

Hotel, bed and breakfast Hotel, bed and breakfast and houses.
A vast selection of hotels and bed&breakfasts to choose from. How to contact them and where to get information
Itinerari turistici Tourist itineraries.
How best to spend your time. Discover the history and art of this region full of charm.
Ristoranti, bar e spiagge Restaurant, bars and beaches.
Beaches, restaurants, pizzerias and bars. Where to eat, drink and get a tan.
Virtual Porto Venere tour A virtual tour of Porto Venere.
A tour of the traditions and places that have made Porto Venere famous and loved by millions of people all over the world.
Servizi nautici Nautical Services.
Boats for hire, diving centre, boat trips, diving, hiring of canoes, sailing schools.
Cartoline elettroniche Electronic postcards.
A nice thought for all your friends with beautiful pictures of Porto Venere to send all over the world.
Consigli per lo shopping Shopping advice.
Our best addresses for your most varied purchases: local handicrafts, various shops and delicatessen.
numeri utili Useful numbers.
The most important numbers you might need regarding tourist information and emergency services.

trasporti e mappe terrestri

Transport, road maps and municipal regulation.
Parking areas, maps, public transport. How to get there by plane, train, bus, car and boat.
All information regarding events around the gulf: trade exhibitions, art exhibitions, cultural and sporting events, and village feasts.

Tourist itineraries / Hotel, Bed and breakfast and Houses / Nautical Services / Shopping advice / A virtual tour of Porto Venere / News / Restaurant, bars and beaches / Electronic postcards / Useful numbers / Transport, road maps