include ("");
$PVE=mysql_connect ("$PVEOST","$PVESER","$PVEASS");
$SQL="select * from $HOTEL where flagbannersh100='S' limit 1";
if ($PrimoBanner100=="") {
$SQL="select * from $RISTORANTI where flagbannersh100='S' limit 1";
if ($PrimoBanner100=="") {
$SQL="select * from $SHOPPING where flagbannersh100='S' limit 1";
if ($PrimoBanner100=="") {
$SQL="select * from $NAUTICA where flagbannersh100='S' limit 1";
if ($PrimoBanner100=="") {
$SQL="select * from $BANNER where flagbannersh100='S' limit 1";
$VISBANNER100="S"; if ($PrimoBanner100=="") { $VISBANNER100="N"; }
$SQL="select * from $HOTEL where flagbannersh200='S' limit 1";
if ($PrimoBanner200=="") {
$SQL="select * from $RISTORANTI where flagbannersh200='S' limit 1";
if ($PrimoBanner200=="") {
$SQL="select * from $SHOPPING where flagbannersh200='S' limit 1";
if ($PrimoBanner200=="") {
$SQL="select * from $NAUTICA where flagbannersh200='S' limit 1";
if ($PrimoBanner200=="") {
$SQL="select * from $BANNER where flagbannersh200='S' limit 1";
$VISBANNER200="S"; if ($PrimoBanner200=="") { $VISBANNER200="N"; }
$SQL="select * from $HOTEL where flagbannerho341='S' limit 1";
if ($PrimoBanner341=="") {
$SQL="select * from $RISTORANTI where flagbannerho341='S' limit 1";
if ($PrimoBanner341=="") {
$SQL="select * from $SHOPPING where flagbannerho341='S' limit 1";
if ($PrimoBanner341=="") {
$SQL="select * from $NAUTICA where flagbannerho341='S' limit 1";
if ($PrimoBanner341=="") {
$SQL="select * from $BANNER where flagbannerho341='S' limit 1";
$VISBANNER341="S"; if ($PrimoBanner341=="") { $VISBANNER341="N"; }
Portovenere/home page
if ($IDSHO=="") { $IDSHO=0; }
switch ($IDSHO) {
case 0: $DESSHO="Shopping advice"; $FOTO="collage_negozi.jpg"; break;
case 1: $DESSHO="Handicraft"; $FOTO="artigianato.jpg"; break;
case 2: $DESSHO="Gastronomy"; $FOTO="gastronomia2.jpg"; break;
case 3: $DESSHO="Storees several"; $FOTO="negozi.jpg"; break;
if ($VISBANNER341=="S") { ?>
} ?>

page / Shopping advice
if ($IDSHO>0) { echo "/ $DESSHO"; } ?>
echo strtoupper($DESSHO); ?> |
if ($IDSHO==0) { ?>
Come and wander around the narrow little streets of Porto Venere. Discover shops selling local handicraft, find typical Ligurian products in the various delicatessen to take home with you or give to your friends, and if you feel like buying any clothes, you will find what you are looking for. All in all, shopping in these medieval narrow streets is an absolute delight, not to be missed. Enjoy yourself.
} ?>
$SQL="select * from $SHOPPING where idgruppo=$IDSHO order by descrizione";
while ($Shopping=mysql_fetch_array($RisShopping)) {
if ($COLORE=="#FFFF99") { $COLORE="#FFFFFF"; } else { $COLORE="#FFFF99"; }
echo "
$Shopping[descrizione] |
if ($Shopping[frazione]>"") { echo " $Shopping[frazione]"; }
echo "";
if ($Shopping[telefono1]>"") { echo " Tel. $Shopping[telefono1]"; }
if ($Shopping[telefono2]>"") { echo "-$Shopping[telefono2]"; }
if ($Shopping[cellulare1]>"") { echo " Cel. $Shopping[cellulare1]"; }
if ($Shopping[cellulare2]>"") { echo "-$Shopping[cellulare2]";}
if ($Shopping[sitoweb]>"" or $Shopping[email]>"") { echo " "; }
echo "";
if ($Shopping[sitoweb]>"") {
if ($Shopping[flagweb]=="S") { $DEST="_blank"; $LINK="http://$Shopping[sitoweb]"; }
echo "
  "; }
if ($Shopping[email]>"") {
echo " "; }
echo " | ";
itineraries /
Hotel, Bed and Breakfast and houses / Nautical
/ Shopping advice /
A virtual tour of Porto Venere
/ News
/ Restaurant, bars and beaches
/ Electronic postcards
/ Useful numbers
/ Transport, road maps